by admin | Nov 14, 2011 | Gallery, Rifle, Tech
Here is a copy of the CGN post by Parabellum on how to fit the Norinco M305 to the new Promag Precision stock. The info and pics are complements of Parabellum and used here with his permission. Thanks for the info and I am sure it will help many fit their Norinco M1A’s to this wonderful stock. LINK to the orig CGN post The Promag Unit Now secure the stock in a vise or similar. Be careful to not scratch it Protect the surrounding area with tape. Measure from the front of the action opening back 6 1/4″. You will be filing 1 1/2″ forward of this mark. Also, measure down about 3/16″ from the top of the stock and mark. Some rifles may need less The tools that will be needed to do the modifications include 2 different files, razor blade and 180 and 320 sand paper Then start filing making a bevel towards the “inside” of the stock Lastly, some pictures with a level to show the angle because it is hard to see in the pictures. Enjoy. Some additional spots that needed fitting Fitting the trigger pads is next but there are no pics of this step. The fitting is done when the trigger guard will close using firm pressure on both the action and the trigger group. The tighter this fit is, the better. You may find that additional material will need to be removed in the inletting if the action is not sitting flat with the stock Slowly file material in the stock until the action fits level and flush. Go slow and...
by MysticPrecision | Nov 14, 2011 | Gallery, Rifle, Tech
This is a project rifle by TheZreturns fitting a Norinco M305 to the new Promag Precision stock. One of the nicest looking M1A’s I have seen in a while. He writes: Here’s my new Norinco M14S (2011 model) slightly modified… From the help of Jerry Teo of Mystic Precision, I’ve finally succeed to “pimp” a little bit this chinese rifle… Starting with an american-made precision stock called “Promag Archangel M1A Precision“. The Archangel stock was originally made to fit a Springfield Armory M1A but only little adjustments had to be made to fit the chinese Norinco M14S. Personnaly having only small gunsmith skills, I had to take out the dremel and files to make some nice adjustements to fit the rifle in the Archangel stock… With the help from M14Doctor on Canadian Gun Nutz, I’ve followed every steps he made, to make this rifle fit in the stock. Grinding around 6¼ inches of material beveled at a 35-45 degrees angle, on the right inside of the stock and also a little bit from the shoulder pads (trigger housing), helped to fit the action and trigger housing… Took me around an hour to fit correctly without goofing around and it fitted flawlessly! It’s nice and tight! Stock is adjustable in lenght (shoulder pad) and in height (cheek riser) with some tight 0.5 inch increments with the turn of a knob. Also have some nice features like at the bottom of the stock, there is a place to fit the web of the left hand so you can push the rifle in your shoulder. It also have 2 swivel studs to...