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Low Budget Rifle Stock Build by bobfortiers of CGN

This is a photo essay of a stock build for a Savage Axis using commonly available materials and tools.  Now Bob is pretty darn good at wood working as it shows in his skill in the build BUT none of this is beyond many shooters/hobbyist.    Some great tips and pics.    Enjoy… Orig post on CGN I wanted a dedicated gun to shoot at targets, either from a bench at 100m or shooting long range in F-class type of shooting. I did not have a lot of budget for this project, so I decided to build from a Savage Axis gun. I found one used in 223 for 300$. Being a stockmaker it was a no-brainer to me that I wanted a new stock for it, because Axis stocks are a bit on the soft side. Also, I wanted to see if the Axis action could be used for a built. I think that there will be more and more of those around, so we might as well play with them a bit. Since the Axis trigger guard is made of plastic and integral to the stock, I made my own using aluminium from the home center and a jig in plywood. The recoil lug is in the stock on a Savage Axis, I checked and it is easily removed. More on that later. The stock was made of russian birch plywood, laminated with exterior glue. I did not want a dedicated bench stock, with flat foreend to ride on bags. I enjoy shooting prone with a bipod, and I wanted a do-it-all kinda stock. I started with a wide... read more

My New Sightron SIII by Barry Luscombe

The journey began several years ago in my quest for long range hunting accuracy. Taking my old Winchester Model 70 in 300 win mag after the factory barrel just wouldn’t cut it any more and deciding on a new barrel. I’ve no idea how many rounds went down that pipe but it was many. The first barrel on it was a Bevon King SS match heavy contour with a 1-9 twist for the Sierra 240gr. Matchking and off I went to try my hand at 1000 yard shooting. Lesson 1 was the Bushnell Banner 3 to 9 and standard 2 piece base set up wasn’t going to get me there. Over the winter I got a one piece base and cut a piece off a .020” feeler gauge and Devconed it into place. Then for a whopping 60 bucks I bought a Futong Tactical scope at the Prince George Gun Show. Very good looking scope. 2nd shot it turned into a kaleidoscope, hilarious. Sent it back to the dealer in Vancouver and within a week another was in the mail box. This one made it to about 5 shots then did the same thing. Actually the scope was worth the money cause to this day my Grandsons still have a ball with it. Then came the Wotac out of Oklahoma from Wonders Optics. Also a tactical job. Love the hash mark retical and the windage and elevation adjustments were dead on and repeatable. Unfortunatly the optics were only a tad better than had they been made by Mattel. Out shooting one day and at 600yds I couldn’t make out... read more

How To Fit a M305 to the Promag Precision Stock

Here is a copy of the CGN post by Parabellum on how to fit the Norinco M305 to the new Promag Precision stock.  The info and pics are complements of Parabellum and used here with his permission.  Thanks for the info and I am sure it will help many fit their Norinco M1A’s to this wonderful stock. LINK to the orig CGN post The Promag Unit Now secure the stock in a vise or similar.  Be careful to not scratch it Protect the surrounding area with tape.   Measure from the front of the action opening  back  6 1/4″.  You will be filing 1 1/2″ forward of this mark. Also, measure down about 3/16″ from the top of the stock and mark.  Some rifles may need less The tools that will be needed to do the modifications include 2 different files, razor blade and 180 and 320 sand paper Then start filing making a bevel towards the “inside” of the stock Lastly, some pictures with a level to show the angle because it is hard to see in the pictures.  Enjoy. Some additional spots that needed fitting Fitting the trigger pads is next but there are no pics of this step.  The fitting is done when the trigger guard will close using firm pressure on both the action and the trigger group.  The tighter this fit is, the better.  You may find that additional material will need to be removed in the inletting if the action is not sitting flat with the stock Slowly file material in the stock until the action fits level and flush. Go slow and... read more

Norinco M305 and Promag Precision Stock Build

This is a project rifle by TheZreturns fitting a Norinco M305 to the new Promag Precision stock.  One of the nicest looking M1A’s I have seen in a while.   He writes: Here’s my new Norinco M14S (2011 model) slightly modified… From the help of Jerry Teo of Mystic Precision, I’ve finally succeed to “pimp” a little bit this chinese rifle… Starting with an american-made precision stock called “Promag Archangel M1A Precision“. The Archangel stock was originally made to fit a Springfield Armory M1A but only little adjustments had to be made to fit the chinese Norinco M14S. Personnaly having only small gunsmith skills, I had to take out the dremel and files to make some nice adjustements to fit the rifle in the Archangel stock… With the help from M14Doctor on Canadian Gun Nutz, I’ve followed every steps he made, to make this rifle fit in the stock. Grinding around 6¼ inches of material beveled at a 35-45 degrees angle, on the right inside of the stock and also a little bit from the shoulder pads (trigger housing), helped to fit the action and trigger housing… Took me around an hour to fit correctly without goofing around and it fitted flawlessly! It’s nice and tight! Stock is adjustable in lenght (shoulder pad) and in height (cheek riser) with some tight 0.5 inch increments with the turn of a knob. Also have some nice features like at the bottom of the stock, there is a place to fit the web of the left hand so you can push the rifle in your shoulder. It also have 2 swivel studs to... read more

Dave (Eagleye) A’s McGowen/Rem 308 Norma Mag

Got to say, this is one of the prettiest hunting rifles I have seen in a while.  Dave A, Eagleye on CGN, with the help of Bill Leeper, has put together a gorgeous hunting rifle that shoots as well as it looks.  The pics speak for themselves.  Enjoy Here are Dave’s comments: Hi Jerry; Attached are a couple of pics and groups shot with this new Rifle. Groups are 3-shots @100M Here are all the details. Action: Trued and lapped 700 Magnum action, bedded in stock Stock: Tiger Maple from Remington Custom shop, Limbsaver Recoil Pad. Trigger: Factory Remington @ 2¾ lbs Barrell: Medium Sporter contour McGowan Chrome Moly, 1-10″ twist, finished at 26″ Optics: Leupold VX-3 3.5-10 x 40  B&C Reticule [Not in picture] Smithing done by Bill Leeper Blued deep dark & glossy. Loads that have shot best so far: 168 Barnes TTSX, Norma Case, RP 9½M Primer, 75.0 grains of Norma MRP 180 Barnes TTSX, Norma case, CIL 8½M Primer, 74.0 grains of IMR... read more

Mark B’s Barrel Nut Rem 700

McGowen Precision Barrels decided to take the Savage barrel swap idea one step further and in cooperation with a barrel nut manf/supplier, can offer prefit/chambered barrels for the Rem 700.  Headspacing is the same as with a Savage. From Mark Baxter:  “Attached is the completed rifle, (remington 700 with 28″ 8-twist mcgowen barrel w savage style lock nut chambered to 243 ai, timney trigger, burris signature zee rings, and lots of other goodies) as well as an exploded parts view, as well as a picture of the best 100m group from the first ladder test of 105 gn berger’s.  It seems to be a shooter.  If you want I can get some bettter quality pictures for you, if you would like to use them.  I plan on shooting a second ladder test to explore some ‘nodes’ at 300m in the very near future (as it is hard to tell the difference between group sizes when they are anywhere from .330″ all the way out to .460″) Hope you are well, and thank you for the great service and thank you for your great online articles Mark... read more

Dave (yodave) D’s SR BR Score Winning Rig

Dave, on Vancouver Island has been making himself some very nice looking  and great shooting Savage and Stevens target rifles.  With his own duplicator, he is fabricating these great looking stocks.  His results speak for themself and he recently won a Score BR Match in Parksville (March 2011) with a 600-40X out of a possible 600-60X. Nice rigs, great shooting.  The text has been cut and paste from his post on CGN.  I look forward to hearing more about his rigs and how they perform in competition. http://www.canadiangunnutz.com/forum/showthread.php?t=594785 “Here are three of my go to rifles – the specs, Apple jack stock, pillar bedded stevens 200 action, hi score ssa, SSS barrel nut and recoil lug, rifle basix trigger, shillen 17 twist 30BR Robinett cut and crowned at 24″ Hornet Stock, pillar bedded Stevens 200 action, hi score ssa, SSS barrel nut and recoil lug, rifle basix trigger, savage 12bvss 223 rem tak off barrel for now. Pepper Laminate stock, action bedded Savage 110 which will shortly be wearing a model 12bvss 308 Win 26″ stainless barrel, Canjar set trigger, SSS barrel nut and recoil lug and going into a Hornet Laminate benchrest stock as soon as I get it chucked in the duplicator and remove some of the material that is hiding the benchrest look.” “This target was during new 30BR load developement with 125 grain bullets hand made for me, four shots into a .100 inch group and the last shot of the day dropped right out. I tried to deny all or most of this but to many people managed blackmail pictures of the target so... read more

6mmBR F Open Rig by doemaster (CGN)

Hi Jerry The rifle was made to compete in F class and precision . It is chamber in 6BR for the 105-107 weight of bullets . Smith work was done by Joe K. Presently I have been shooting the 95 gr. VLD`s at about 2975 out to only 600 yards . The barrel is a Shilen [SS Select Match, 6mm] 1-8 HV contour sitting in a Robertson tactical stock . For optics I went with the Sightron 8-32 . Last year I mostly competed at club level except for one excursion down to the Kingston Fall Match . Where she placed in 3rd in Agg. Not bad for her first time out. Here she is poised for action at 600 yards at Kingston     [Target of 5rds group at 100yds after breaking in... read more

McGowen/Stevens 260AI by Kevin K

My post is for all those who are gun nuts in search of the holy grail of accuracy. Yes, some might think, Stevens…what is this guy thinking? For those who have not tinkered with one or have not shot a Savage/Stevens product it may come as a surprise. For those who do this idea will not. I began one day with the idea,” I’d like to play the F class game. “ But I was not going to convince the boss of a multi thousand dollar toy. I would have to think on the cheap, so I began my search all over the internet of ideas, guidance, and some good luck. The goal of this project, (besides the great fun in shooting it) is to find an answer to the age old question, “How much does one need to spend to attain competitive accuracy.” Well, that began the addiction to Savage/Stevens products. Here is my 260 AI as a result of a years effort and with the help from some fine CGNers. Thanks Jerry for great advice and service. PS, cost all including taxes. Cost of Build: Rifle: Stevens 200 SA. 430.97 new. Sold barrel, 350.97 total. Timney Trigger 145.60 Thanks Jerry Teo from Mystic Precision. Boyd Thumbhole stock 63.38, yes…..keep an eye out for those crazy deals, they will surprise you. 8-24 Tasco Varmint Scope 112.00, bases $15, Rings 0 as I had some old weaver 1”ers kicking around. Bottom metal and action screws 36.73 from Brownells. Barrel, McGowen Prefit, 260AI, 28″, Target crown, bead blast. $365 Thanks 6mm Shooter. Hours spent on bedding and stock work, and... read more