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Evan Z – New XLR Rem 700 Tackdriver

Evan Z – New XLR Rem 700 Tackdriver

I’ve been fascinated by long range hunting from the onset of my hunting career, thanks to the writings of yourself, Ian McMurchy, and others- both on paper and online. I decided that if I wanted to start shooting and hunting at long distances, I’d need a purpose-built long range gun; and with my love of guns and gunsmithing, I decided to try building it myself.     I spent many hours gathering info online on all aspects of my project, from actions and chamberings to twist rates and headspacing, finally settling on the inexpensive and ubiquitous Remington 700 action with a heavy, 1-10″ twist McGowen barrel chambered in .300 Winchester Magnum. Because of its high ballistic coefficient and terminal performance, the bullet of choice would be the 210 grain Berger VLD Hunting. Choosing the stock would prove to be a much more difficult task, with the huge number of options available, but after much deliberation, I settled on an XLR Industries Evolution chassis for the excellent features, adjustability, and reasonable pricetag.     While waiting for my chassis and barrel to arrive, I set out on building my own barrel vise. Thanks to my father being a mechanic I had access to all the tools and metal I needed, and the barrel vise was done in no time. The barrel from Mystic Precision, and chassis from XLR arrived right on schedule. I stripped the old barrel (with no small amount of cussing) from the used M700 I purchased, and installed and headspaced my beautiful, new McGowen stainless short-chambered #8 contour barrel in short order. Then, I hand-lapped the action,...
Whiskey 3 Chassis SAKO 7STW Custom Build by Mark K

Whiskey 3 Chassis SAKO 7STW Custom Build by Mark K

      This is a project we recently assembled for Mark K on his SAKO TRG-s.  Not very often we get to see a Superb Build on a SAKO and this one is a gem. Parts List: Sako TRG-s m995 Action, bolt and trigger. 7mm Kreiger SS #6 contour 1-9 barrel, chambered in 7mm Shooting Times Westerner JP Enterprises Bennie Cooley Muzzle Brake Whiskey 3 Chassis by Kinetic Research Leupold Mark 4 6.5-20x50mm TMR Reticle M1 turrets. Sako Optilock rings and Bases MPod bipod by Mystic Precision. AICS CIP Magazine. (Still waiting/looking for one)   Mark K  :  ” I just have wanted to build a custom rifle/long range setup for years. I have grown up and continue to shoot almost exclusively Sako rifles, and I have always been attracted to calibers that have good long range capabilities. I Currently have, 222 Remington(Not really a long range cartridge, but great accuracy), 260 Remington, 280 Remington, 7mm STW, and my newest 300 WSM So I knew my build would be based off a Sako. I just never could decide on what cartridge. Until last year when I bought a Sako 75 in 7mm STW and loved it. It has all kinds of power, and the capabilities of shooting way out there. So, that was it, I had my plan. Although, my plan was to use the Sako 75 as base for the custom. Then I bought the Sako TRG-s to use as a hunting rifle, but upon receiving it discovered someone had tampered with the head spacing. So it became the donor rifle. That lead me to contacting you...
My New Sightron SIII by Barry Luscombe

My New Sightron SIII by Barry Luscombe

The journey began several years ago in my quest for long range hunting accuracy. Taking my old Winchester Model 70 in 300 win mag after the factory barrel just wouldn’t cut it any more and deciding on a new barrel. I’ve no idea how many rounds went down that pipe but it was many. The first barrel on it was a Bevon King SS match heavy contour with a 1-9 twist for the Sierra 240gr. Matchking and off I went to try my hand at 1000 yard shooting. Lesson 1 was the Bushnell Banner 3 to 9 and standard 2 piece base set up wasn’t going to get me there. Over the winter I got a one piece base and cut a piece off a .020” feeler gauge and Devconed it into place. Then for a whopping 60 bucks I bought a Futong Tactical scope at the Prince George Gun Show. Very good looking scope. 2nd shot it turned into a kaleidoscope, hilarious. Sent it back to the dealer in Vancouver and within a week another was in the mail box. This one made it to about 5 shots then did the same thing. Actually the scope was worth the money cause to this day my Grandsons still have a ball with it. Then came the Wotac out of Oklahoma from Wonders Optics. Also a tactical job. Love the hash mark retical and the windage and elevation adjustments were dead on and repeatable. Unfortunatly the optics were only a tad better than had they been made by Mattel. Out shooting one day and at 600yds I couldn’t make out...
Norinco M305 and Promag Precision Stock Build

Norinco M305 and Promag Precision Stock Build

This is a project rifle by TheZreturns fitting a Norinco M305 to the new Promag Precision stock.  One of the nicest looking M1A’s I have seen in a while.   He writes: Here’s my new Norinco M14S (2011 model) slightly modified… From the help of Jerry Teo of Mystic Precision, I’ve finally succeed to “pimp” a little bit this chinese rifle… Starting with an american-made precision stock called “Promag Archangel M1A Precision“. The Archangel stock was originally made to fit a Springfield Armory M1A but only little adjustments had to be made to fit the chinese Norinco M14S. Personnaly having only small gunsmith skills, I had to take out the dremel and files to make some nice adjustements to fit the rifle in the Archangel stock… With the help from M14Doctor on Canadian Gun Nutz, I’ve followed every steps he made, to make this rifle fit in the stock. Grinding around 6¼ inches of material beveled at a 35-45 degrees angle, on the right inside of the stock and also a little bit from the shoulder pads (trigger housing), helped to fit the action and trigger housing… Took me around an hour to fit correctly without goofing around and it fitted flawlessly! It’s nice and tight! Stock is adjustable in lenght (shoulder pad) and in height (cheek riser) with some tight 0.5 inch increments with the turn of a knob. Also have some nice features like at the bottom of the stock, there is a place to fit the web of the left hand so you can push the rifle in your shoulder. It also have 2 swivel studs to...

Dave (Eagleye) A’s McGowen/Rem 308 Norma Mag

Got to say, this is one of the prettiest hunting rifles I have seen in a while.  Dave A, Eagleye on CGN, with the help of Bill Leeper, has put together a gorgeous hunting rifle that shoots as well as it looks.  The pics speak for themselves.  Enjoy Here are Dave’s comments: Hi Jerry; Attached are a couple of pics and groups shot with this new Rifle. Groups are 3-shots @100M Here are all the details. Action: Trued and lapped 700 Magnum action, bedded in stock Stock: Tiger Maple from Remington Custom shop, Limbsaver Recoil Pad. Trigger: Factory Remington @ 2¾ lbs Barrell: Medium Sporter contour McGowan Chrome Moly, 1-10″ twist, finished at 26″ Optics: Leupold VX-3 3.5-10 x 40  B&C Reticule [Not in picture] Smithing done by Bill Leeper Blued deep dark & glossy. Loads that have shot best so far: 168 Barnes TTSX, Norma Case, RP 9½M Primer, 75.0 grains of Norma MRP 180 Barnes TTSX, Norma case, CIL 8½M Primer, 74.0 grains of IMR...